A Service Publication of Biometric Bits

Links To Presentations and Speaker Biographies

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Conference Sessions
(Click on a session title to go to that session on this page)

A. Conference Keynotes and Welcomes
B. Session: Department of Defense
C. Session: National Science & Technology Council, Subcommittee on Biometrics
D. Session: Special Topics
E. Session: National Institute of Standards and Technology
F. Session: Department of Homeland Security
G. Session - Single Image Multi-Biometric Analysis
H. Session: Department of Justice
I.  Session: Privacy Policy and Cross Jurisdictional Issues of the Use for Biometrics
J.  Session: Research Symposium
K. Session: Advances in Biometric Technologies
L. Session: Biometrics and Physical Access Control
N. Session: Tutorial
O. Session: International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA)
P. Session: NBSP
Q. Session: Biometric Standards
R. Session: Biometric Security Architectures
S. Session: Research Symposium Poster Topics
A. Conference Keynotes and Welcomes Back to Session List
01. Topic - "Fast Capture Finger and Palm Print Technology Initiative: A Tool for Crime Prevention and National Security" - Not Available
The Honorable  Regina B. Schofield, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs
02, Topic -"The DoD Biometrics Enterprise"
Mr. Vernon M. Bettencourt, Jr., Deputy Chief Information Officer, United States Army
03. Topic - “Biometric Trends in the Middle East: Focus on Saudi Arabia” - Not Available
Dr. Khalid Al-Tawil, Director General, National Information Center, Saudi Arabia
04. Topic - Conference Co-Chairs Welcome
Mr. Jeffrey Dunn, Technical Director for Biometrics, National Security Agency/Research Directorate and Mr. Fernando Podio, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
05. Topic - NIST/ITL Welcome
Dr. Shashi Phoha, Director, Information Technology Laboratory, NIST
B. Session - Department of Defense Back to Session List
Moderator: Major General Conrad Ponder, Chief Integration Officer, U.S. Army CIO/G-6
06. Topic - "Biometrics in Support of Homeland Defense"
Peter Verga, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense for Homeland Defense
07. Topic - "2005-2006 Priorities for DoD Biometrics",
Dr. Joseph Guzman, Acting Director, U.S. Department of Defense Biometrics Management Office
08. Topic - "Multi-Modal, Multi-Sensor Biometric Systems for Enterprise-wide Deployment", ,
Mr. Sam Cava, Director, U.S. Department of Defense Biometrics Fusion Center
09. Topic - "DoD Biometrics and HSPD-12",
Mr. Min Chong, Support Contractor, DoD Biometrics
10. Topic - "DoD ABIS (Automated Biometric Identification System)",
Dr. Michael Webb, Principal Project Engineer, Lockheed Martin
C. Session - Executive Office the President, National Science & Back to Session List
     Technology Council, Subcommittee on Biometrics
Moderators: Mr. Duane Blackburn, National Science and Technology Council Agency Representative, Department of Justice and Dr. Kevin Hurst
11. Topic - "Biometrics in the US Government",
Mr. Duane Blackburn, National Science and Technology Council Agency Representative
12. Topic - Subcommittee Overview",
Mr. Duane Blackburn, National Science and Technology Council Agency Representative
13. Topic - Face Recognition Interagency Coordination Plan (ICP)",
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
14. Topic - "Fingerprint ICP",
Mr. Chris Miles, Senior Program Manager, Department of Justice
15. Topic - "Iris ICP",
Mrs.Valerie Lively, Access Control Technologist, DHS/TSA
16. Topic - "Infrastructure for RDT&E Data Sharing ICP"  (Not Available)
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
17. Topic - "Communications ICP",
Mr. Larry Jellen, Government Printing Office
D. Session: Special Topics Back to Session List
 18. Topic - "Understanding Privacy Laws in Connection with Biometric Identification in the United States and the Rest of the World",
Mr. Herb Fineburg, Founding Partner, Eizen, Fineburg & McCarthy
19. Topic - "Travel Documents: The Development of the Next Generation and Its Challenges" (Not Available)
Barry J. Kefauver, Chair, the ISO/ICAO Task Force on New Technologies
20. Topic - "Operational Benchmarks for IDENT1",
Ms. Ambika Suman, Project Systems Engineer, UK Police Information Technology Organisation;
Mr. Geoff Whitaker, Head of Biometrics, UK Police Information Technology Organisation
E. Session: National Institute of Standards and Technology Back to Session List
Moderator: Dr. Martin Herman, Chief, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
21. Topic - "Introduction to NIST's Biometrics Programs",
Dr. Martin Herman, Chief, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
22. Topic - "Two Finger Matching with Vendor SDK Matchers",
Mr. Charles L. Wilson, Manager, Image Group, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
23. Topic - "ANSI/NIST Fingerprint Standards Update",
Mr. Michael McCabe, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
24. Topic - "Slap Fingerprint Segmentation Evaluation",
Mr. Austin Hicklin, Senior Principal, Mitretek Systems
25. Topic - "NIST Fingerprint Image Quality",
Ms. Elham Tabassi, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
26. Topic - "Meta-Analysis of Biometrics Research & FRVT 2005 Announcement",
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
27. Topic -  "Personal Identity Verification (PIV)",
Mr. William MacGregor and Mr. Timothy Grance, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
28. Topic - "Biometrics and E-Authentication",
Mr. William Burr, Manager, Security Technology Group, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
29. Topic - "NIST ITL Biometrics Standards Program",
Mr. Fernando L. Podio, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Co-Chair, Biometric Consortium
F. Session - Department of Homeland Security  Back to Session List
Moderator: Mr. Brad Wing, Biometric Systems and Standards Coordinator, Department of Homeland Security
30. Topic - "Airport Access Control" - Unavailable
Mr. Charles Kelley, Department of Homeland Security
31. Topic - "e-Passports (IC chips encoded with biometric data in passports)",
Mr. Mike Hardin, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Chief Strategist, US-VISIT, Department of Homeland Security
32. Topic - "IDENT/IAFIS Interoperability",
Ms. Amy Wheelock, Department of Homeland Security and Ms. Cynthia Estep, Supervisory Management Analyst, FBI/CJIS/IDENT-IAFIS Program Office
33. Topic - "The Myth of Goats - How Many People Have Fingerprints That are Hard to Match?",
Mr. Austin Hicklin, Senior Principal, Mitretek Systems
34. Topic - "The TSA Iris Sensor Evaluation",
Mrs. Valerie Lively, Access Control Technologist, DHS/TSA
35. Topic - "Multi-Biometric Fusion - From Research to Operations",
Dr. Lawrence Nadel, Fellow, Mitretek Systems
G. Session - Single Image Multi-Biometric Analysis Back to Session List
36. Topic - "Single Image Multi-Biometric Analysis (SIMBA)",
Dr. Hartmut Neven, Founder and CEO, NevenVision
H. Session - Department of Justice Back to Session List
Moderator: Dr. John Morgan, Assistant Director for Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
37. Topic - "Next Generation IAFIS (NGI)",
Mr. Scott Swann, Supervisory IT Specialist, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division and Ms. Diane Casteel, Next Generation IAFIS Program Office, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division
38. Topic - "FBI Fingerprint Scanner Certification Program",
Mr. Tom Hopper, Senior Computer Engineer, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division
39. Topic - "Justice Biometrics Cooperative: Annual Report and Law Enforcement Needs",
Mr. Duane Blackburn, Senior Research Engineer, FBI Engineering Research Facility
40. Topic - "Biometrics R&D Portfolio at the National Institute of Justice",
Mr. Christopher Miles, Senior Program Manager, National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
I. Session - Privacy Policy and Cross Jurisdictional Issues  Back to Session List
    of the Use for Biometrics
Moderator: Professor Lee Strickland, J.D., Director, Center for Information Policy, University of Maryland
41. Topic - "Overview of the European Approach to the Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Biometrics",
Mr. Mario Savastano, Senior Researcher, National Research Council of Italy
42. Topic - “Privacy and Interoperability: An Inherent Tension?”,
Mr. Barry Kefauver, U.S. Department of State
43. Topic - Not specified and presentation not available
Mr. Kenneth P. Mortensen, Senior Privacy Advisor, The Privacy Office, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
J. Session - Research Symposium Back to Session List
Moderators: Dr. Larry Hornak, Professor, West Virginia University and Dr. Anil Jain, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University

44. Topic - "Biometrics Alone Won't Do: Developing Holistic Identity Management Solutions" - not available
Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

45. Topic - "A Pose Invariant Face Recognition Method" - not available
Dr. Besma Abidi, Research Assistant Professor, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

46. "3D Face Recognition",- not available
Mr. Xiaoguang Lu, Ph.D. Student Michigan State University

47. Topic - "Multibiometric Fusion Research Results Using NIST BSSR1 Data", - not available
Mr. Harold J. Korves, Principal, Mitretek Systems
48. Topic - "Information Content of Biometric Features",
Dr. Andy Adler, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada
11:00am - 11:20am

49. Topic -
"Can Fingerprints by Generated From Minutiae Points?",
Dr. Arun Ross, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University

50. "Fingerprint-based Fuzzy Vault" -
Mr. Umut Uludag, Michigan State University

51. Topic - "Independent Testing of Independent Testing of Iris Recognition Technology (ITIRT)",
Invited Speaker: Mr. Michael Thieme
 Director of Special Projects, International Biometric Group
52. Topic - "An Improved Iris Segmentation Method" - not available
Ms. Xiaomei Liu, University of Notre Dame
53. Topic -
"Robust Preprocessing Techniques for Non-ideal Iris Images",
 Ms. Purva Barve, West Virginia University
54. Topic -
"A Model Based, Anatomy Based Method for Synthesizing Iris Images",
 Dr. Natalia Schmid, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University
55. Topic - "Data Quality, Interoperability, Biometrics Fusion, and Template Ageing: Challenges for ePassports" - not available
 Dr. Andreas Wolf, Technology Manager Biometrics, Smiths Heimann Biometrics GmbH
56. Topic -
"Fusion of Biometric Data with Quality Estimates via a Bayesian Belief Network ",
Mr. John P. Baker, Principal Engineer, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
57. Topic - "Template Aging: A Study of the NIST Biometric Score Set Release 1", - not available
Dr. Michael Schuckers, St. Lawrence University
58. Topic - "User Credential Hardening through Keystroke Dynamics" - not available
Mr. Nick Bartlow, Graduate Research Assistant, West Virginia University
59. Topic - "Spoof Detection Using Multispectral Fingerprint Imaging Without Enrollment" - not available
Dr. Kristin Nixon, Senior Scientist, Lumidigm

60. Topic - "Fingerprint Deformation for Spoof Detection", - not available
Ms. Yi Chen, Research Assistant, Michigan State University

61. Topic - "Liveness Detection Using an Intensity Based Approach in Fingerprint Scanners",
Mr. Bozhao Tan, Graduate Research Assistant, Clarkson University
K. Advances in Biometric Technologies Back to Session List
Moderator: Dr. Michael King, Technical Director, Authentication Research, National Security Agency
62. Topic - "Advances in 3D Face Recognition and Multiple Biometric Identity Systems",
Mr. David West, CEO, Geometrix, Inc.
63. Topic - "Iris Recognition: Photons to Identity",
Dr. Jim Matey, Senior Member Technical Staff, Sarnoff Corporation
64. Topic - "3D FACIAL Advances in Biometric Technologies",
Mr. Grant Evans, CEO, A4Vision
65. Topic - "Video Tracking with Biometric ID for Robust Access Control", Dr. Sadiye Guler,
Chief Engineer, Manager, Advanced Video Solutions, Northrop Grumman Information Technology-TASC, Inc.
66. Topic - "Recent Advances in Biometric Face Recognition", Dr. Michael Miller,
Chief Scientist, Animetrics, Inc.
67. Topic - "Extending the Imaging Volume of an Iris Recognition System",
Dr. Ramkumar Narayanswany, Director of Product and Project Management, CDM Optics, Inc.
L. Special Session on Biometrics and Physical Access Control Back to Session List
Moderators: Ms. Cathy Tilton, Vice President, Standards and Technology, SAFLINK Corporation and Mr. Wayne Kyle, Chief Technology Officer, BioCom International
68. Topic - "Combined Credentials for Physical and IT Security",
Mr. Gary Klinefelter, VP of Technology, Fargo Electronics Inc
69. Topic - "Smart Cards, Biometrics & Physical Access",
Mr. Bob Merkert, Vice President, Sales, SCM Microsystems, Smart Card Alliance Physical Access Council
70. Topic - "Contactless Biometrics for PACS",
Mr. Steve Howard, Partner, ID Technology Partners, Member PAIIWG
71. Topic - "SIA Standards as they Relate to PACS and Biometrics",
Mr. Mark Visbal, Director of Research and Technology, Security Industry Association
72. Topic - "Solving Protocol Interoperability Issues Through Match on Secure Service",
Mr. Wayne Kyle, CTO, BioCom International
73. Topic - "Lessons Learned Implementing Biometrics in Physical Access on the TWIC Program",
Mr. Dave Muha, Project Manager, SAFLINK Corporation
M. Session -  Tutorial Back to Session List
74. Topic - "An Overview of Biometrics"
Mr. Peter Higgins, Principal Consultant, Higgins-Hermansen Group, LLC
N. Session - Biometric Solutions & Applications Back to Session List
Moderator: Mr. John Siedlarz, Chairman and CEO, National Biometric Security Project
75. Topic - "BIOMETRICS: The Past, the Present, the Future",
Mr. Robert F. Diegelman, Director of Credentialing and Enforcement Solutions, Lockheed-Martin/Transportation and Security Solutions
76. Topic - "Positive Identification and Access Control",
Mr. Mark Cohn, Vice President and Cheif Architech, Unisys Global Public Sector
77. Topic - "Implementing Large-ScaIe Biometric Systems"
Dr. Joseph Atick, President and CEO, Identix - Presentation not available
78. Topic - "The Application of Biometrics in Volume Commercial and Consumer Markets" not available
Mr. Scott Moody, President and CEO, AuthenTec
O. Session - International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA) Session Back to Session List
Topic - Biometrics -- Proven Results
Moderator: Mr. Walter Hamilton, Chairman, International Biometric Industry Association
79. Topic - "The Importance of Biometrics in the U.S. Government's Response to 9/11",
Mr. Duncan Campbell, Principal, Campbell, Cilluffo & Furlow, LLC and former Chief of Staff to Secretary of Department of Homeland Security
80. Topic - “An Update on the United Arab Emirates Iris Expelle Tracking System”,
Mr. Imad Malhas, CEO, IrisGuard, Inc. and Lt. Mohammed Bin Humaid Ahmed Almualla, Security Manager, Abu Dhabi Police
81. Topic - "Consumers Pay with Their Finger",
Ms. Donita Prakash, Vice President, Marketing, BioPay, LLC
82. Topic - "Venezuela Election - Fingerprints Deliver "One Voter - One Vote",
Mr. Wally Briefs, Senior Vice President, Cogent Systems, Inc.
P. Session - NBSP Back to Session List
83. Topic - "Two Years of Achievements in Support of Using Biometrics to Protect the Critical Infrastructure"
Mr. Russ Ryan, Vice President, Information and Communication, National Biometric Security Project
Q. Session - Biometric Standards Back to Session List
Moderator: Mr. Fernando Podio, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Co-Chair, Biometric Consortium
84. Topic - "National and International Biometric Standards – Status and Adoption",
Mr. Fernando Podio, Computer Security Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Co-Chair, Biometric Consortium
85. Topic - "Applications/Environments Standards Applicability",  
Mr. Wayne Kyle, Chief Technology Officer, BioCom International; Ms. Cathy Tilton, Vice President, Standards and Technology, SAFLINK Corporation and Mr. Fred Herr, IDTechnology Partners
86. Topic - "Interoperability and Conformance Testing",
Dr. John Campbell, President, Bion Biometrics
87. Topic - "Standards in Support of Multi-Biometric Systems",
Mr. Rick Lazarick, Chief Technologist, Identity Labs, Computer Sciences Corporation
88. Topic - "Standards for Performance Testing", ,
Mr. Patrick Grother, Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
R. Session -  Security of Biometrics - Biometric Security Architectures Back to Session List
89. Topic - "Overview of Session"
Dr. Colin Soutar,  Chief Technology Officer, BioScrypt, Inc.
90. Topic "Threats and Countermeasures",
Bojan Cukic, Associate Professor/Co-Director, CiTER, West Virginia University
91. Topic - "Client Server Integration Security Issues",
Mira LaCous, VP Technology and Development Biometrics, BIO-key International, Inc.
92. Topic - "Remote Authentication and Biometrics",  
Ms. Cathy Tilton, Vice President, Standards and Technology, SAFLINK Corporation
Anti-Spoofing and Other Technology Countermeasures
03. Topic -"Software Countermeasures for Biometric Systems",
 Mr. Conor White, Daon
94. Topic - "Countermeasures Against Iris Spoofing With Contact Lenses",
Dr. Ulf Cahn von Seelen, VP Research and Development, Chief Scientist, Iridian Technologies, Inc.
95. Topic - "Multispectral Fingerprint Sensors",
Dr. Rob Rowe, Chief Technology Officer, Lumidigm, Inc.
96. Topic - "Anti-Spoofing Techniques for Voice",
Dr. Judith Markowitz, President, J. Markowitz Consultants
Biometric Security Evaluation Techniques
97. Topic - "Threat Analysis – How Can We Compare Different Authentication Methods?"
Mr. Philip Statham, Biometrics Programme Manager, CESG-the UK Government Information Assurance Authority
98. Topic - "Common Criteria and the Protection Profile Process"
 Mr. David Rhude, Technical Director, Cryptographic Engines, Modules & Tokens
S. Research Symposium Poster Topics Back to Session List
99. Topic - "Liveness Detection for Iris Recognition"
Bori Toth, Deloitte & Touche LLP
100. Topic - "Multi-modal Face Image Fusion Using Empirical Mode Decomposition"
 Besma Abidi, University of Tennessee
101. Topic - "Projective Invariant Hand Geometry: An Overview",
Terrance Boult, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
102. Topic - "Ultra-wide Field of View Face Recognition",
Terrance Boult, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
103. Topic - "Palm Vein Authentication Technology and the Applications",
Masaki Watanabe, Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd.
104. Topic - "Fingerprint Verification Testing Scenarios for Multi-impression Enrollment and Template Adaptation",
 Hakil Kim, INHA University, Republic of Korea
105. Topic - "Self-Configuration of Fusion Rules for Multi-Biometric Systems"  (Author not noted; paper not available0
106. Topic - "Multispectral Fingerprint Sensing: Effects of Adverse Sample Conditions",
Matthew Ennis, Lumidigm, Inc.
107. Topic - "Iris Recognition Using Non Filter-based Technique",
Gaurav Gupta, West Virginia University
108. "Identification Model with Independent Matching Scores"
 Venu Govindaraju, State University of New York at Buffalo
109. Topic - "A Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection Approach for 3D Face Recognition"
 Lijun Yin, State University of New York at Binghamton
110. Topic - "Computational Anatomy for Generating 3D Avatars"
 Marc Vaillant, Animetrics, Inc.
111. Topic - "Partial Fingerprint Recognition Based on Localized Features and Matching", Venu Govindaraju, State University of New York at Buffalo
113. Topic - "Collection and Segmentation of Non-Orthogonal Irises for Recognition"
 Ruth Gaunt, U. S. Naval Academy
114. Topic - "Image Quality Assessment for Iris Biometric"
 Nathan Kalka, West Virginia University
115. Topic - "Fingerprint Mosaicking Using Thin Plate Splines"
 Samir Shah, West Virginia University
116. Topic - "Fake Hands: Spoofing Hand Geometry Systems"
Hong Chen, Michigan State University
117. Topic - "Empirical Evaluation of Advanced 3D Ear Biometrics"
 Ping Yan, University of Notre Dame
End of Listing Back to Session List